Django 2.0 File Upload Form Not Valid No Request.files

Python django.http.HttpResponseNotAllowed() Examples

The post-obit are 30 code examples for showing how to use django.http.HttpResponseNotAllowed() . These examples are extracted from open up source projects. You lot can vote up the ones you similar or vote down the ones you don't like, and go to the original project or source file by following the links above each instance.

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Example 1

def contacts_new(request):     if request.method != 'Mail service':         return HttpResponseNotAllowed(('POST',))      data = {         key: value for key, value in request.Post.items()         if cardinal in ('name', 'fone', 'email')     }     contact = Contact.objects.create(**data)     response = dict(,         avatar=contact.avatar(),,         phone=contact.fone     )      render JsonResponse(response, status=201)          

Instance 2

def dispatch(cocky, asking, url):         if non url:             url = '/'          if request.method not in self.http_method_names:             render http.HttpResponseNotAllowed(request.method)          if not self._can_access_kibana():             error_msg = (_('User %due south does not accept sufficient '                            'privileges to access Kibana')                          % auth_utils.get_user(request))             LOG.error(error_msg)             return http.HttpResponseForbidden(content=error_msg)          # passing kbn version explicitly for kibana >= iv.3.10         headers = {             "10-Auth-Token":,             "kbn-version": request.META.get("HTTP_KBN_VERSION", ""),             "Cookie": request.META.become("HTTP_COOKIE", ""),             "Content-Type": "application/json",         }          return, url, request.body, headers)          

Example 3

def require_http_methods(request_method_list):     """     Decorator to brand a view only take particular request methods.  Usage::          @require_http_methods(["Get", "POST"])         def my_view(request):             # I can assume now that just Go or POST requests brand it this far             # ...      Note that request methods should be in majuscule.     """     def decorator(func):         @wraps(func)         def inner(request, *args, **kwargs):             if asking.method not in request_method_list:                 logger.warning(                     'Method Not Allowed (%s): %s', request.method, request.path,                     actress={'status_code': 405, 'request': request}                 )                 return HttpResponseNotAllowed(request_method_list)             return func(request, *args, **kwargs)         return inner     render decorator          

Instance four

def webhook(request, build_key):     if request.method != 'POST':         render HttpResponseNotAllowed(['POST'])      endeavor:         data = json.loads(request.body)     except ValueError:         err_str = "Bad json in github webhook request"         logger.warning(err_str)         return HttpResponseBadRequest(err_str)      user = models.GitUser.objects.filter(build_key=build_key).first()     if not user:         logger.warning("No user with build central %southward" % build_key)         return HttpResponseBadRequest("Error")      if == 0:         logger.warning("User '%s' does not have any recipes" % user)         return HttpResponseBadRequest("Mistake")      return process_event(user, data)          

Case 5

def do_branch_page(request, branch):     """     Render the branch folio given a branch object     Input:         asking[django.http.HttpRequest]         branch[models.Branch]     """     if asking.method != "Become":         return HttpResponseNotAllowed(['GET'])      causes = []     if request.GET.get("do_filter", "0") == "0":         causes = [models.Event.PUSH, models.Event.Manual, models.Result.RELEASE]         grade = forms.BranchEventsForm(initial={"filter_events": causes})     else:         form = forms.BranchEventsForm(asking.Become)         if form.is_valid():             causes = [int(c) for c in class.cleaned_data["filter_events"]]      event_list = EventsStatus.get_default_events_query().filter(base__branch=branch, cause__in=causes)     events = get_paginated(request, event_list)     evs_info = EventsStatus.multiline_events_info(events)     render render(request, 'ci/branch.html', {"form": form, 'co-operative': branch, 'events': evs_info, 'pages': events})          

Example half-dozen

def activate_job(request, job_id):     """     Endpoint for activating a task     """     if request.method != 'Mail service':         render HttpResponseNotAllowed(['POST'])      job = get_object_or_404(models.Chore, pk=job_id)     server = task.recipe.repository.server()     user = server.signed_in_user(request.session)     if non user:         enhance PermissionDenied('You lot need to be signed in to activate a task')      collab = Permissions.is_collaborator(request.session, task.event.build_user, task.recipe.repository, user=user)     if collab:         if set_job_active(request, job, user):             task.init_pr_status()         job.event.make_jobs_ready()     else:         heighten PermissionDenied('Actuate job: {} is Non a collaborator on {}'.format(user, task.recipe.repository))      return redirect('ci:view_job',          

Example 7

def cancel_job(asking, job_id):     if request.method != 'POST':         render HttpResponseNotAllowed(['POST'])      job = get_object_or_404(models.Task, pk=job_id)     allowed = Permissions.is_collaborator(request.session, job.consequence.build_user, job.event.base.repo())     if not allowed:         render HttpResponseForbidden('Non allowed to cancel this job')      signed_in_user = job.event.base.server().signed_in_user(request.session)     message = "Canceled by %due south" % signed_in_user     comment = escape(request.Mail.get('comment'))      post_to_pr = request.POST.go('post_to_pr') == 'on'     if post_to_pr:         post_job_change_to_pr(request, job, "canceled", annotate, signed_in_user)      if comment:         message += "\nwith annotate: %due south" % annotate     set_job_canceled(job, bulletin)     UpdateRemoteStatus.job_complete(task)'Task {}: {} on {} canceled by {}'.format(, job, job.recipe.repository, signed_in_user)), 'Chore {} canceled'.format(task))     return redirect('ci:view_job',          

Example 8

def update_remote_job_status(request, job_id):     """     End point for manually update the remote status of a job.     This is needed since sometimes the git server doesn't     get updated properly due to timeouts, etc.     """     task = get_object_or_404(models.Job.objects, pk=job_id)     allowed = Permissions.is_collaborator(request.session, chore.event.build_user, job.issue.base of operations.repo())      if request.method == "GET":         return return(request, 'ci/job_update.html', {"task": job, "immune": immune})     elif request.method == "POST":         if allowed:             UpdateRemoteStatus.job_complete_pr_status(chore)         else:             return HttpResponseNotAllowed("Not allowed")     return redirect('ci:view_job',          

Example 9

def webhook(asking, build_key):     if request.method != 'Post':         return HttpResponseNotAllowed(['POST'])      effort:         data = json.loads(request.trunk)     except ValueError:         err_str = "Bad json in github webhook request"         logger.warning(err_str)         return HttpResponseBadRequest(err_str)      user = models.GitUser.objects.filter(build_key=build_key).starting time()     if non user:         logger.warning("No user with build key %s" % build_key)         return HttpResponseBadRequest("Mistake")      if == 0:         logger.warning("User '%southward' does not accept any recipes" % user)         return HttpResponseBadRequest("Mistake")      return process_event(user, data)          

Case x

def upload_symbols(asking):      if request.method != 'Mail service':         render HttpResponseNotAllowed('Simply Post here')      form = UploadSymbolsForm(asking.Postal service, request.FILES)      if not class.is_valid():         logger.error("form is invalid with error: " + str(course.errors))         return HttpResponseNotAllowed('Invalid data')      path = handle_uploaded_file(asking.FILES['symbols'])     upload = SymbolsUploadHandler()     upload.process(form.cleaned_data, path)      return HttpResponse("Success")          

Case eleven

def upload_file(request):     if request.method != 'Postal service':         return HttpResponseNotAllowed('Only Mail service hither')      grade = UploadFileForm(request.Mail, request.FILES)      if non form.is_valid():         logger.error("form is invalid with fault: " + str(class.errors))         return HttpResponseBadRequest()      file = request.FILES['upload_file_minidump']      attempt:         crash_id = str(create_database_entry(file, form))     except (InvalidVersionException) as east:         logger.error("invalid version exception " + str(eastward))         return HttpResponseServerError(str(eastward))"uploaded crash: " + crash_id)     render HttpResponse('Crash-ID=%s'%(crash_id))  # vim:set shiftwidth=4 softtabstop=4 expandtab: */          

Example 12

def require_http_methods(request_method_list):     """     Decorator to make a view just accept particular asking methods.  Usage::          @require_http_methods(["Become", "POST"])         def my_view(request):             # I can assume now that only Become or POST requests make it this far             # ...      Annotation that asking methods should be in upper-case letter.     """     def decorator(func):         @wraps(func)         def inner(request, *args, **kwargs):             if asking.method non in request_method_list:                 response = HttpResponseNotAllowed(request_method_list)                 log_response(                     'Method Not Allowed (%s): %s', request.method, request.path,                     response=response,                     request=asking,                 )                 return response             return func(request, *args, **kwargs)         return inner     return decorator          

Case 13

def require_http_methods(request_method_list):     """     Decorator to brand a view just accept particular request methods.  Usage::          @require_http_methods(["GET", "POST"])         def my_view(request):             # I can presume now that only Become or Postal service requests brand information technology this far             # ...      Note that asking methods should be in uppercase.     """     def decorator(func):         @wraps(func, assigned=available_attrs(func))         def inner(asking, *args, **kwargs):             if request.method not in request_method_list:                 logger.warning(                     'Method Not Allowed (%due south): %southward', request.method, request.path,                     extra={'status_code': 405, 'request': request}                 )                 return HttpResponseNotAllowed(request_method_list)             return func(request, *args, **kwargs)         return inner     return decorator          

Example 14

def require_http_methods(request_method_list):     """     Decorator to make a view only accept particular request methods.  Usage::          @require_http_methods(["Go", "Mail service"])         def my_view(request):             # I tin can assume now that only GET or Mail requests make it this far             # ...      Note that request methods should be in uppercase.     """     def decorator(func):         @wraps(func, assigned=available_attrs(func))         def inner(asking, *args, **kwargs):             if asking.method non in request_method_list:                 logger.warning('Method Not Immune (%due south): %s', asking.method, request.path,                     extra={                         'status_code': 405,                         'request': request                     }                 )                 return HttpResponseNotAllowed(request_method_list)             return func(request, *args, **kwargs)         render inner     return decorator          

Example 15

def require_http_methods(request_method_list):     """     Decorator to brand a view merely have item request methods.  Usage::          @require_http_methods(["GET", "POST"])         def my_view(asking):             # I can assume at present that merely Go or Mail requests brand it this far             # ...      Note that request methods should be in uppercase.     """     def decorator(func):         @wraps(func, assigned=available_attrs(func))         def inner(request, *args, **kwargs):             if asking.method non in request_method_list:                 logger.warning('Method Not Allowed (%south): %s', asking.method, request.path,                     extra={                         'status_code': 405,                         'asking': asking                     }                 )                 render HttpResponseNotAllowed(request_method_list)             return func(request, *args, **kwargs)         return inner     return decorator          

Example 16

def require_http_methods(request_method_list):     """     Decorator to make a view but accept particular asking methods.  Usage::          @require_http_methods(["Become", "Mail"])         def my_view(request):             # I can assume now that only GET or POST requests make it this far             # ...      Note that request methods should be in upper-case letter.     """     def decorator(func):         @wraps(func, assigned=available_attrs(func))         def inner(asking, *args, **kwargs):             if request.method non in request_method_list:                 logger.alarm(                     'Method Not Immune (%southward): %south', request.method, request.path,                     actress={'status_code': 405, 'request': request}                 )                 return HttpResponseNotAllowed(request_method_list)             return func(request, *args, **kwargs)         return inner     return decorator          

Case 17

def authoring_tool_auth(f):     def g(asking):         if request.method != "Post":             render HttpResponseNotAllowed(["Mail service"])          # Go the task and question and check permissions.          task = get_object_or_404(Chore, id=asking.POST["job"])         if non job.has_write_priv(asking.user):             render HttpResponseForbidden()         if not job.module.is_authoring_tool_enabled(request.user):             render HttpResponseForbidden()          # Run inner function.         return f(request, task)      return g          

Example 18

def postal service(self, request, blazon, submission_pk):         if non request.is_ajax():             return HttpResponseNotAllowed()          # Only staff can create staff flags.         if type == cocky.model.STAFF and not self.asking.user.is_apply_staff:             return HttpResponseNotAllowed()          submission_type = ContentType.objects.get_for_model(ApplicationSubmission)         # Trying to get a flag from the table, or create a new one         flag, created = cocky.model.objects.get_or_create(user=request.user, target_object_id=submission_pk, target_content_type=submission_type, type=type)         # If no new flag has been created,         # Then we believe that the request was to delete the flag.         if not created:             flag.delete()          return JsonResponse({"outcome": created})          

Instance 19

def test_require_safe_accepts_only_safe_methods(self):         """         Test for the require_safe decorator.         A view returns either a response or an exception.         Refs #15637.         """         def my_view(request):             return HttpResponse("OK")         my_safe_view = require_safe(my_view)         request = HttpRequest()         request.method = 'Go'         self.assertIsInstance(my_safe_view(request), HttpResponse)         request.method = 'Head'         self.assertIsInstance(my_safe_view(request), HttpResponse)         asking.method = 'Post'         self.assertIsInstance(my_safe_view(request), HttpResponseNotAllowed)         request.method = 'PUT'         self.assertIsInstance(my_safe_view(request), HttpResponseNotAllowed)         request.method = 'DELETE'         cocky.assertIsInstance(my_safe_view(asking), HttpResponseNotAllowed)   # For testing method_decorator, a decorator that assumes a single argument. # We will get type arguments if in that location is a mismatch in the number of arguments.          

Example 20

def test_require_safe_accepts_only_safe_methods(cocky):         """         Test for the require_safe decorator.         A view returns either a response or an exception.         Refs #15637.         """         def my_view(request):             render HttpResponse("OK")         my_safe_view = require_safe(my_view)         asking = HttpRequest()         request.method = 'GET'         self.assertIsInstance(my_safe_view(request), HttpResponse)         request.method = 'HEAD'         self.assertIsInstance(my_safe_view(request), HttpResponse)         request.method = 'POST'         self.assertIsInstance(my_safe_view(request), HttpResponseNotAllowed)         request.method = 'PUT'         self.assertIsInstance(my_safe_view(request), HttpResponseNotAllowed)         asking.method = 'DELETE'         cocky.assertIsInstance(my_safe_view(asking), HttpResponseNotAllowed)   # For testing method_decorator, a decorator that assumes a single argument. # We will get blazon arguments if there is a mismatch in the number of arguments.          

Example 21

def dispatch_task_pair_url(request, task_pair_id, clandestine):     task_pair = get_object_or_404(TaskPair, id=task_pair_id)     try:         if request.method == 'POST':             view = task_pair.cause_view             assert task_pair.cause_agent.options.get('secret') == secret         elif request.method == 'GET':             view = task_pair.effect_view             affirm task_pair.effect_agent.options.get('secret') == hush-hush         else:             return HttpResponseNotAllowed(['POST', 'Go'])     except (AttributeError, ImportError):         raise Http404     except AssertionError:         return HttpResponseForbidden()     else:         return view(request, task_pair)          

Example 22

def manage_parents(request, conceptid):     if asking.method == "POST":         json = request.torso         if json is not None:             data = JSONDeserializer().deserialize(json)              with transaction.atomic():                 if len(data["deleted"]) > 0:                     concept = Concept().go(id=conceptid, include=None)                     for deleted in data["deleted"]:                         concept.addparent(deleted)                      concept.delete()                     concept.bulk_index()                  if len(information["added"]) > 0:                     concept = Concept().get(id=conceptid)                     for added in data["added"]:                         concept.addparent(added)                                 concept.bulk_index()              return JSONResponse(information)      else:         return HttpResponseNotAllowed(["POST"])      render HttpResponseNotFound()          

Instance 23

def add_concepts_from_sparql_endpoint(request, conceptid):     if request.method == "POST":         json = request.body         if json is non None:             information = JSONDeserializer().deserialize(json)              parentconcept = Concept({"id": conceptid, "nodetype": data["model"]["nodetype"]})              if parentconcept.nodetype == "Concept":                 relationshiptype = "narrower"             elif parentconcept.nodetype == "ConceptScheme":                 relationshiptype = "hasTopConcept"              provider = get_sparql_providers(information["endpoint"])             endeavor:                 parentconcept.subconcepts = provider.get_concepts(data["ids"])             except Exception as e:                 return HttpResponseServerError(e.message)              for subconcept in parentconcept.subconcepts:                 subconcept.relationshiptype = relationshiptype              parentconcept.salve()             parentconcept.index()              return JSONResponse(parentconcept, indent=4)      else:         return HttpResponseNotAllowed(["Mail"])      render HttpResponseNotFound()          

Example 24

def http_method_not_allowed(self, request, *args, **kwargs):         logger.warning('Method Not Allowed (%s): %s', request.method, request.path,             extra={                 'status_code': 405,                 'request': request             }         )         return http.HttpResponseNotAllowed(self._allowed_methods())          

Example 25

def process_response(self, request, response):         if isinstance(response, HttpResponseNotAllowed):             context = RequestContext(request)             response.content = loader.render_to_string(                 "405.html", context_instance=context)          return response          

Instance 26

def post_only(func):# pragma: no comprehend     def busy(request, *args, **kwargs):         if request.method != 'Mail':             return HttpResponseNotAllowed(['Go'])         return func(request, *args, **kwargs)     return decorated          

Instance 27

def get_only(func):# pragma: no embrace     def decorated(request, *args, **kwargs):         if request.method != 'GET':             render HttpResponseNotAllowed(['Postal service'])         return func(request, *args, **kwargs)     return busy          

Example 28

def test_post_only(self):         r = self.c.get(reverse('post_comment'))         cocky.assertIsInstance(r, HttpResponseNotAllowed)          

Case 29

def upload_image_view(request):     if request.method != 'Postal service':         return HttpResponseNotAllowed(['Go', 'Mail service'])     file = request.FILES.get('file')     endeavour:         from PIL import Prototype every bit pil_image     except:         if not file.proper noun.endswith('.svg'):             return JsonResponse({'fault': '无法识别图片'})      album = create_image(, file)      return JsonResponse({'msg': '上传成功!', 'link': album.img.url})          

Example thirty

def http_method_not_allowed(cocky, request, *args, **kwargs):         if settings.DEBUG and cocky._allowed_methods():             heighten Exception("Just" + str(self._allowed_methods()))         return http.HttpResponseNotAllowed(self._allowed_methods())  


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